Finding Companion Care: Frequently Asked Questions

Companion Care

Your questions answered when it comes to companion care, so you can feel completely informed when it comes to this phenomenal later life resource.

Companion care is a form of home care that is an excellent alternative to receiving care in elderly care homes. No matter how high the standard in an elderly care home, a report by The Live-in Care Hub showed that nearly 100% of us would rather not go into a care home if we become unwell or unable to care for ourselves. With a quarter of the population projected to be elderly by 2045, residential care alone cannot cope with demand now or in the future. So live-in care is not only a desirable alternative to a care home, but it is a practical solution to a lack of places within elderly care homes.

Finding Companion Care

If you are considering companion care, you may be wondering how to find the right companion care for your needs. Having a live-in carer is a huge change and adjustment so it makes sense to think very carefully about how to get it and where to source the best possible carer for your needs.

One of the most important things you can do is ensure the agency you choose has all of the necessary services on offer to suit your family member. If your family member needs specialist stroke support or dementia care, can the agency provide a carer with experience in those areas? If you feel unsure about the needs of your loved one, you can speak to your GP, their specialist medical team/ professional or social services. You could get a care assessment to help with this as well. It is also a good idea to think about the additional services you may wish the carer to provide such as cooking, cleaning, pet care and helping your relative get to appointments.

Suggested Questions For A Companion Care Agency

Once you have some home care services agencies that you feel could offer you everything you need, these questions are a great start to finding out if they are the right agency to use:

  • Do you carers go through adequate training?
  • Do your carers go through the correct checks?
  • How quickly can you provide my family member with a carer?
  • What do I need to provide you with in order for care to begin?
  • What kind of services can you provide?
  • What are the benefits of choosing your agency?
  • Do your carers have insurance?
  • Can you show me any testimonials?
  • How does live-in care work with the agency? Will there be more than one carer looking after my family member?
  • How does your agency help ensure my family members safety
  • Can you give me a transparent idea of cost?

Don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as you feel you need to. Getting the information you need to make the decision right for your family member is your priority. You always have the right to make the right choice.

With The Right Information, You Can Select A Fantastic Companion Care Agency

The key to finding the right companion care for your loved one is gathering all the information you need first. Get recommendations for agencies with good reputations and then ask them as many questions as you need to to get answers. With the right information, you can ensure your loved one has home care from an agency you know you can trust and rely on to provide the high levels of care you expect for your family member. Get detailed information about the best way to take care of your mental and physical health, on this website:

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