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Peculiar And Interesting Facts And Stories About Marijuana

Marijuana is a plant that has always maneuvered all the way to the front page over the years. Years back, it was known for the refer madness and now, it’s known for the multiple health and medicinal benefits and uses. there are so many people using marijuana today and the numbers are beyond 147 million. There are multiple tales or rather stories and facts about marijuana based on different cultures. Some of these tales and facts are interesting and others are overly weird. This article helps you acknowledge some of these weird and interesting facts and stories. Get detailed information about the fatal damages of drug addiction, on this website: www.under-news.com

First, 1971 is the years where the first marijuana online sale happened. The sale involved two college students from MIT and Stanford. The quantity of the marijuana traded that day is still unknown. Many people were still in the dark as far as internet was concerned and these two were part of the privileged few who knew how to use the internet.

It is wise that you get to acknowledge about the funny Bard’s inspiration. Shakespeare was one of the selected few who would never shy when taking about taboo related topics. Some of the topics that he would speak about often were intoxications and drug abuse. However, it was discovered that the Bard, received his inspiration from the bud. There were some studies done on his pipe and marijuana remnants were acknowledged is different pipes.

There is need to learn some facts about the mysterious cannabis origin. Many cultures in the world hold cannabis as a quintessential plant. This has brought about so many controversial theories about the original or cannabis. It is believed that Chinese Emperor Sheng Nung made a discovery of marijuana in 2727 B.C. This plant was used for medicinal purposes. This story has some controversies as there are other people who believe that Qin Shi Huang discovered the plant first in 260 B.C. There are other places like the Middle East, Greek and even in the Roman Empire where marijuana was traced. All these facts bring controversies about the actual origin of marijuana.

Lastly, you should know about the infant weed scare. In 2012, there were lots of cases where infants were tested positive for marijuana through urinalysis tests. It was believed that the facts contributing to these traces is the marijuana use by the parents. Its after conducting some research that it was noted that these children tested positive because of the baby soap they use. These soaps had ingredients which resembles THC structures.

The above info helps you acknowledge some weird and interesting facts about cannabis or marijuana. There are so many unique stories out there about marijuana and some are peculiar in a sense. In the past, present and future, marijuana has and will always remain on the FrontPage as a hot topic. Get detailed information about the best practices to carry out to get rid of drug addiction, on this website: www.usamarketarea.com

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